Team Leasing
Team Leasing
Are you in need of a long-term outsourcing or are you preparing a new IT project?

Team Leasing, a.k.a. human resource outsourcing for the ICT industry, is a service based on providing qualified experts in the said field. It is our goal to provide and to deliver professionals or teams composed of them, in accordance with your current needs and demands just in time, when you require them. Each and every one of TRIVALENT's professionals draws from the wide experience and corporate knowledge-base as well as his personal experience and certifications.

Business Inteligence
Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data

We analyze and proces data, we implement enterpise analytical and Business Intelligence solutions that are based on successful world-leading vendor platforms. We help our customers with better decission-making and finding the best venue for their business.

Servis a údržba
System Support & Maintenance

Our service portfolio also includes a post-implementation remote support and maintenance of the implemented systems. Each client incident is reported to our HOTLINE and registered into the trouble-ticketting system. Consequently, a manager on duty for the respective system, deals with the particular client incident according to a predefined SLA (Service Level Agreement).


Services and solutions focusing on implementation and deployment of Operational Support Systems (OSS), whose target is to effectively manage and monitor the installed infrastructure, to assure its optimized deployment, utilization and performance as well as the maximum process automatization involved with communication services provisioning to the end-customers. Business Support Systems help our clients to respond fast and effectively to the market demands while managing and controling their operating costs at same time.

(Document Management System)

Information is the lifeblood of your business – the backbone of effective decision-making. So it’s frustrating when on average people spend over four hours per week looking for information*. Therefore™ quickly overhauls these inefficiencies with an easy-to-implement storage and retrieval system, giving everyone instant access to all the information they need efficiently, economically and securely.

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Professional Services for ICT Delivered All Across Europe.

Services & Solutions

DMS Therefore

Put simply, Therefore™ allows you to create an electronic filing cabinet for all your business information. With it, you can capture, organise and access fixed content, images, documents, reports and other business-critical information. Locating stored information is simple via a universal interface, or even the web, so staff require minimal training resulting in a far more efficient way of working.

OSS/BSS solutions

TRIVALENT and our individual professionals are a traditional provider of ICT services, which assure a reliable deployment of the very complex and extensive communication systems and networks of our customers. Ever since its foundation, TRIVALENT specializes in complex services targeted on the telco- and very large enterprises-sector and by means of our professionals we offer a very extensive and unique know-how, which has been benefited from by our most valued customers. for a long time.

Microsoft CRM

Microsoft Dynamics CRM represents a complex solution for Customer Relations Management which offers a complete set of tools and functionalities that are necessary for creating and maintaining a perfect summary of your customers‘ issues starting from the first contatct, via the sales cycle up to the post-sale customer care. Its unique modules Sales, Marketing and Service the Microsoft Dynamics CRM provide functionalities and opportunities for a much better targeting of new sales, appropriate marketing campaigns, sales activities management and management and escalation of service-related issues.