Our service portfolio also includes a post-implementation remote support and maintenance of the implemented systems. Each client incident is reported to our HOTLINE and registered into the trouble-ticketing system. Consequently, a manager on duty for the respective system, deals with the particular client incident according to a predefined SLA (Service Level Agreement). An immediate response and dedication to resolving of the particular problem serves as the best means to maintaining highest possible standards of availability of the client’s systems and services.
We Offer:
Hotline – a non-stop 24/7/365 Single Point of Contact service for reporting and registering system service tasks (trouble tickets) that the client personel cannot handle themselves and need a professional assitance with. The Hotline operator then immediately logs the trouble ticket into the tracking system and alerts the manager on duty for the particular system who has the necessary qualification and certification.
Helpdesk a non-stop 24/7/365 service which includes and provides for: a service readines – that is at all times the working readines of at least one certified specialist, who is 24/7/365 preapred and equipped to identify the problem and/or its root cause and to work on fixing or debugging it according to the defined SLA.
Consulting services – provisioning thereof by a Czech and English speaking certified specialist in the Czech Republic or remotely. Configuration changes or system settings modifications, an upgrade to a newer version, a development and customization of new functionalities, a creation of „add-ons“ and further consulting services.
We offer all maintenance levels: